Arden Wood Shavings has been a trusted supply partner to the poultry industry for over 40 years.
During this time, we have built up a wealth of specialist knowledge and understanding about the challenges poultry farmers are facing. This puts us in a unique position to provide practical and effective poultry bedding solutions – which always include consistent quality, continuity of supply, and fair pricing.
Arden is renowned for quality reliability and integrity. As a result of Arden’s policy of new product development, re-investment, and technical innovation, we have proudly stayed at the forefront of the poultry bedding industry.
With our market-leading Safemix Poultry bedding that is today the product of choice for many commercial poultry farmers, and most recently, the addition of Agribed kiln-dried paper crumb bedding to our range, our customers can be confident of a reliable supply of consistently high-quality, affordable poultry bedding.
Arden is an ISO 9001 registered company in recognition of its Quality Management system which complies with ISO 9001:2015.