Energy Storage Systems

Detach your business from the turbulent energy market by exploring Veolia Energy Storage Systems
control panel

Safe, reliable and smart battery energy storage

Power failures can wreak havoc on your business. Our smart battery storage technology uses the latest lithium-ion to store energy and save costs and carbon. So you’ll never have to worry about power generation effecting operations during energy interruptions.

How we can help

Generating more renewable energy from intermittent sources such as wind farms, coupled with a decentralised grid, can increase the risk of power failures interrupting your business. Add to that spiralling energy costs, and it makes sense to explore innovative ways to combat the problem.

Veolia’s smart battery storage systems with lithium-ion technology save energy at peak times and help you avoid high transmission and distribution system charges. It also gives you direct access to money-saving services including Short Term Operating Reserve, Peak Charge Avoidance, Frequency Response and Capacity Market.

Our smart battery storage can:

  • Manage energy in a decentralised, digital and optimised way
  • Reduce your reliance on volatile grid energy
  • Be installed on any site that imports or exports electricity
  • Be monitored and operated online
  • Charge rapidly from the grid when system demand increases
  • Discharge rapidly as a source of energy generation
  • Charge during the lowest tariffs, usually during the night, to avoid costly network charges

This technology has a unique, sub-second speed of response, making it highly attractive for National Grid service such as Frequency Response. It also has the ability to enable otherwise slow-responding assets, like diesel generators or CHP engines, to benefit from services that require a sub-second response. And because the batteries and small and easy to maintain, you can be sure there will be no interruptions to your daily operations. 

How do we create value for you?

Our smart battery storage is a quick-win way to optimise the way you buy and use energy, so you make savings and reduce your environmental impact. Even a small solution can be used as an uninterruptable power supply, providing back up in the event of system or grid failure to maintain all your critical processes. 

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