Bioresources Management


Efficient, collaborative and
innovative Bioresource Management

Our Bioresources services can support the water sector through efficiency, collaboration and innovation.

How we can help

With OfWat’s price review (PR19), water companies are required to publish service performance and demonstrate improved efficiency. Our services support process, while ensuring you extract the most value from your bioresources.

Drawing on our experience with 2,928 wastewater treatment sites worldwide, we can deliver a complete range of services and circular solution to meet your needs.

We can help you with everything from process plant optimisation, asset maintenance and performance based service contracts; to matching the right technology to your challenges, design and build, organics recycling, land management and industrial cleaning.


How do we create value for you?

We can help you to maximise energy recovery and improve operational efficiency when managing your bioresources. What’s more, we will help you to turn your bioresources into agricultural products with a market value – value that can be passed to the customer in bill savings. Our wide portfolio of assets and operations can create opportunity for joint working and innovation.

You can be confident of reliable assets and full regulatory compliance. This means peace of mind for your finance teams, your operational teams – and also for the end customer.


What happens next?

As the sludge market changes in 2020 there are many opportunities for water companies to reduce to become more efficient and reduce bills to customers through innovative use of bioresources such as sludge and biogas.

In the UK our bioresources services help to produce over 200GWh of renewable electricity and 300GWh of renewable heat every year.

Veolia is now helping Scottish Water to achieve the target of energy self-sufficiency at its Seafield Wastewater Treatment Works

Renewable energy from biogas

Reduced sludge management costs

Revenue from agricultural products