Supporting the mining industry in its
shift towards greater efficiency and sustainability
Today, the mining industry is faced with a number of challenges shifting its focus to greater efficiency and sustainability.
Helping our customers deliver cost efficiency
Water, waste and energy represent a substantial portion of a mine’s expenses. By working to improve the operation and maintenance performance of environmental assets, mining installations can achieve significant cost reduction.
At the same time, facing stricter a regulatory environment and public pressure, the need to develop long-term strategies is crucial to protect their license to operate.
Veolia’s global expertise to deliver specialised solutions
Veolia creates solutions bundling our specialised capabilities across water, waste, industrial and energy services; delivering economies of scale and robust environmental competence. Working with us is the opportunity to tap into our worldwide networks, while we commit on our local services quality and workforce development.
For Wheal Jane in the UK, the on-site treatment plant processes up to 50,000 m3 per day of water from the former tin mine, ensuring the highest quality water discharge.
Veolia, offering solutions at every stage of the mining process