Providing cutting edge solutions for airports to reduce environmental footprint
The UK's airports are like mini-cities, demanding huge amounts of energy and water, while generating large volumes of waste. Unlike many other industries, airports are highly capital intensive, so saving money is a key priority.
By minimising leaks and introducing smart billing for concessionaires with cutting-edge solutions, airports can significantly reduce their environmental footprint and guarantee business continuity via a secure supply of utilities.
Realising big savings in partnership
We understand that airports need cost-effective, long-term solutions that can reduce overheads and operating costs. We work with our partners to find solutions with transparent reporting to demonstrate real value, in both financial and carbon terms
Find efficiencies and reducing carbon
Our Airport partners are increasingly keen to manage resources at a strategic level to offset their carbon impact, meet corporate responsibility and environmental targets and manage market expansion sustainably.
A partner you can rely on
Our environmental services support the movements of 139 million passanger journeys across UK airports. By co-developing solutions and leveraging opportunities from our water, waste and energy expertise we successfully ensure reductions in key environmental metrics per passenger.
At Heathrow Airport we have worked in partnership to unleash an additional £22 million of utilities income over five years

Explore our solutions for the airport sector:
There were zero lost time accidents or injuries at Veolia-supported airports in 2016