Can Video Games Be Recycled?

Shocked Computer Game Cartoon on Pink Background

Can you recycle those unwanted video games that you no longer play?

We recycle lots of items around our homes every day, so why do we overlook video games? Like lots of everyday items, the different components within games console and video games packaging, such as the different types of plastic and paper - can be complex.

This complexity has led Chris Bratt, of 'People Make Games', on a journey to discover what happens when you recycle a video game and the journey it takes on its way to a recycling facility for processing.

The Veolia team, including Richard Kirkman, were happy to help explain just what happens to Chris’s old game following its arrival at one of our facilities. Veolia recycling facilities are designed specifically to ensure we extract as much valuable material for recycling as possible. This includes the case, the instructions and even the disc itself.

Check out the video below:

Views are 'People Make Games'' own




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