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What is Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT)

The purpose of a Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plant is to stabilise and separate waste which is not suitable for recycling, extract recyclable materials and produce a solid recovered fuel (SRF) for industrial thermal applications.

MBT offers an alternative for Local Authorities and businesses looking for new ways to dispose of residual waste.

MBT facilities integrate a variety of technologies. The processes are designed to handle household waste after source segregated recycling has taken place, ie residual or "black bag" waste.

The technology uses a combination of mechanical and biological processes to sort the waste.

The mechanical element includes an automatic segregation system to separate recyclable materials such as metals and fibre from the mixed waste. The biological element removes moisture from the waste, and helps produce a homogenous consistent fuel.

Our first MBT facility is in Southwark that is capable of handling 87,000 tonnes of residual waste each year. The refuse derived fuel from the MBT process is sent to our SELCHP Energy Recovery Facility where it is turned into electricty for the National Grid and heating and hot water for Southwark residents, closing the loop!

In keeping with our holistic approach to our integrated contracts, the plant also forms part of an integrated waste management facility, which will also be home to a household waste re-use and recycling centre, materials recovery facility and education centre.

Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility


The Southwark Mechanical Biological Treatment Facility is part of our Integrated Waste Management Facility, which also comprises a Materials Recovery Facility, Waste Transfer Station, public Reuse and Recycling Centre and Education and Visitor facilities.


Southwark Integrated Waste Management Facility

  • Tel: 020 3567 2600
  • ​Email: [email protected]
  • Address: 43 Devon Street, London, SE15 1AL
  • Size of site: 5.8 hectares
  • Tonnage accepted: 87,500 tonnes per annum 
  • Wastes licensed to accept: MSW (municipal solid waste)
  • ​Awards and accreditations: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22301, ROSPA Gold Awar