Become a retail water customer

Reduce both your water costs and risks
Retail Water

Save money on your Retail Water

Becoming a Veolia Retail Water customer makes sound financial sense. As a water retailer, Veolia has been helping business customers in Scotland save money since 2013 and, with the launch in 2017 of the Open Water programme, we have extended this service to customers in England.

How we can help

As a water expert, we can help your business to reduce both water costs and risks. We will provide clear, transparent billing and responsive customer service. This will help you to clearly understand your water costs and identify savings.

Beyond that, we take a systematic approach to reducing your water costs through monitoring, benchmarking, analysis and innovative solutions.

But you may be unsure about what impact changing contracts will have on your business – especially if you operate multiple sites. Rest assured, our easy switch process makes it quick, simple and hassle free.

Within 48 hours of signing a contract you’ll receive a welcome pack and be assigned an onboarding team member who can familiarise you with our products and services.

The team member will be set up your initial account to:

  • Make sure you’re on the optimum tariff
  • Benchmark your water usage
  • Validate your bill


How do we create value for you?

We enable our customers to be become more water efficient, take control of water costs, and improve both compliance and resilience.

Our easy switch service makes it possible to transfer all your sites on the same agreed date. You will then be allocated a dedicated account manager who can work with you to reduce your future water consumption and improve your environmental credentials.

Notification of Exit Application


Charges documents

"Clearly understand your water costs and identify savings" 

Customer Service

If you are a prospective or existing customer here is how you can contact us

Phone: 0203 567 8174



Customer Complaints Procedure

Our aim is to provide you with great customer service. If for any reason you would like to make a complaint, you can find information on our customer complaints procedure for Retail Water customers here.

Clear, transparent billing and responsive customer service

Understand your water costs and identify savings

A systematic approach to reducing your water costs