How can universities fund their Net Zero journey?

university students dressed in graduation hats

The pressure is on for universities to reduce their carbon footprint, but with significant financial pressures to consider, it can be hard to justify large decarbonisation projects.

Time to act on carbon emissions

The education sector makes up over 2% of the UK's carbon emissions. Not only that, institutions such as universities are responsible for educating the next generation on how to live more sustainably, and must lead by example. Reducing their impact on the environment must be prioritised by universities in order to remain attractive to prospective students, as ranking systems such as the People & Planet University League grade institutions based on their sustainability performance.

However, decarbonisation can be a costly process, especially when big changes need to be made to your existing energy infrastructure. With universities under significant financial pressure, it can be hard to free up any cash to put towards your sustainability efforts. That's why you need to take advantage of the available funding opportunities.

What funding is out there for universities?

Salix Finance is the main provider of Government funding to support energy projects in the public sector. Through multiple phases of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS), the organisation is supporting universities and more to take a 'whole building approach' to reducing emissions, combining heat decarbonisation with energy efficiency measures. Applications open periodically for funding applications at each stage of the PSDS.

However, private funding is also available for universities - including from Veolia. Where we see potential value, we offer competitive funding packages for universities to utilise for specific decarbonisation projects. We can then support you at every stage of the project, from assessing your needs and identifying the solution, to implementing the project and delivering the results. From advising you on the funding that's available, to providing our own funding and hands on support for a decarbonisation project, we can be your perfect partner on the road to Net Zero.

Heat pumps are a fast and cost-effective way to decarbonise heat and reduce your carbon footprint, without increasing your energy bills.


Get in touch to find out more about how Veolia can support your journey to Net Zero