Here are Veolia's top priorities for the new government's first 100 days
Depollute water and hazardous waste
• Increase transparency of the water market for more competition and resilient supply
• Enforce high environmental standards to protect public health

Regenerate resources
• Escalate the Plastic Packaging Tax to unlock investment in infrastructure
• Implement an efficient and effective packaging
Extended Producer Responsibility Scheme and fair Emissions Trading Scheme to incentivise sustainable behaviours.
Decarbonise energy
• Fast track low carbon, decentralised energy and heat projects through planning systems to provide cheaper, cleaner energy
• Boost the adoption of district heating and biofuels to power the energy transition

Solving this GreenUp equation will put the UK on the path to prosperity. The water, waste and energy sectors provide significant growth opportunities - once the right policy frameworks are in place. To find out more policy details, see our GreenUp Equation Prorities.