Effective on-site electricity and
heat generation for the University of Bradford
In 1966, Bradford was granted a Royal Charter to become the University of Bradford and was the 40th University to be created in Britain. The student population has leapt from 2,000 in 1966 to over 10,000 people today, including 2,250 postgraduates.
The challenge
To put its focus on sustainability into practice, the University of Bradford developed the Ecoversity programme to embed sustainable development across its estate. This initiative has helped create a One Planet Carbon Strategy to achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020. To deliver this target the University looked to implement effective on-site electricity and heat generation to serve the campus, lower energy bills and cut carbon emissions.
The solution
Starting in 2011, Veolia designed and installed a 1.4MWe CHP unit to supply the campus. Operated and maintained by Veolia under a service agreement, the CHP achieved energy cost savings of over 15%. Following the success of the unit, the University increased CHP generation by one third by having an additional 525kWe CHP unit installed during 2016.
As CHP units utilise the heat produced in electricity generation to provide hot water, they are more efficient and sustainable, provide energy security and take the power load off the UK electricity infrastructure.
Value delivered
Veolia’s CHP programme actively supports the University’s ambitious University wide initiative, the Bradford:50@50 programme, which aimed to close out the University’s 2020 carbon reduction target 5 years early in the University’s 50th Anniversary year. This was achieved 3 years ahead of target in August 2017. Cost savings release budgets that can be allocated to core educational needs and facility upgrades and help meet Higher Education Funding Council for England’s carbon reduction targets to maintain the University’s position as a beacon in sustainability within the Higher Education sector.
Do you have a challenge similar to the University of Bradford?