Improved Recycling Rates for
St Albans City & District Council
Located in Hertfordshire, St Albans City & District Council deliver the community services that cover the needs of around 140,600 residents across 63,000 homes and businesses, and around 280,000 visitors to the area each year.
The challenge
St Albans City & District Council aim to achieve an annual recycling rate of above 60% for all waste collected. The local authority also wanted a major improvement in street cleansing across the district.
The solution
Working in partnership with the Council, Veolia carried out a comprehensive programme of service changes with the introduction of a container for all recycling, that replaced existing separate boxes, and the introduction of weekly food waste collections.
Recycling services were expanded through the introduction of source segregated collections for small electricals and textiles. Veolia’s mobilisation team delivered the transition over a 3 month period with minimal disruption to residents, supported by a comprehensive communication strategy.
To achieve the best value on materials for the council Veolia used the existing St Albans transfer station, network connections to Veolia Rainham Materials Recycling Facility and in-house infrastructure.
Low performing areas for recycling were identified and specific actions put in place to increase recycling awareness. These include targeted campaigns for the recycling of food waste and education outreach.
Collection services are supported by communication campaigns that promoted behaviour change and increased participation in recycling services.
Veolia created additional social value through the participation in local events such as Sustainable St Albans Week and in the support of local charities’ initiatives.
Value delivered
By working closely with the customer Veolia has improved recycling, decreased general waste and reduced costs in line with the council’s aim to increase recycling and reduce spend.
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